Resource Committee


To serve as a resource to congregations and support leaders of the Presbytery for ministry through their local congregations. The primary focus will be in the areas of Worship, Mission, Evangelism, and Christian Education.


TE Dan Schomer

Advisory Members

TE Barry Chance, General Presbyter & Stated Clerk

Diane Eliser, Associate for Administration/Treasurer


  • Serving as a resource to assist congregations in the development of educational programs and leadership to support leaders of the Presbytery for ministry through their local congregation. The primary focus will be in the areas of Worship, Mission, Evangelism, and Christian Education.

  • Providing opportunities for the orientation, continuing education and support of ruling elders and others in developing their knowledge and skill for work in the church.

  • Providing resources and encouraging networks of people throughout the Presbytery to assist the work of ministry.

  • Developing ways to encourage congregations to do mission together.

  • Planning, organizing, and implementing to annual DiscipleFest event of the Presbytery.